Friday, July 9, 2010


So this past week I was talking to a friend about Jacquelyn.  She has had a rough go the past couple of months.  I have figured out that it has to do with Dan being gone.  So, I know why she is behaving the way she is behaving...what next?  So, this friend said that I should take JQ to the doctor because she might be ADHD.  I do not remember anything else about the child...ADHD...

So, I talked to another friend, because I was just sick to my stomach, a lot of fear.  I have always said that I do not really believe in ADHD, or that it is overdiagnosed.  My friend said, so what?  Are you going to give her medication for it?  No, of course not.  Then so what?  What if she does have ADHD, what are you going to do about it.  Hmmm...nothing really...treat her the same way we treat our other kids...raise her the same way.  I just don't want her to be labeled, that is it, I do not want a label assigned to my child. 

Labels are hurtful, truthful, misleading, pleasing...what labels do you hold?  There are so many labels that I cling too...depressed, single(though married), blonde...the list goes on.  What do I want to be identified as though?  I want to be identified as a light for Jesus.  I want people to seek me out, not because I look like I need help or I look like I am put together...I want people to seek me out not because of me, but because of Him.  I need more of Him and less of me. Where is my easy button...because this is not so easy, but it is, it should be!

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