Sunday, September 5, 2010

Your Grace Is Enough

Three Sundays ago I drove to church in complete tears.  I was so frustrated because it is so hard to go to church...the kids are always crazy and hard to wrangle...I love being at church, I just dislike getting there.  I was crying though really because I come to church seemingly desperate every Sunday.  Really needing it.  I just felt like there must be something wrong with me because if I was a "good" enough Christian, I would come calmly with obedient children(:

So, last Sunday I didn't go.  I made up some excuse in my mind and didn't go.  The kids had been especially crazy and I really didn't even feel worthy enough to come to church.

This Sunday I just didn't want to go.  I knew that if I didn't go though that it would be even harder next Sunday.  I arrived ready to pass out, exhausted and I went into the sanctuary hearing "Your Grace is Enough."  It is enough, but do I believe that?  Do I accept that?  I know that His grace is enough for you...or for my children, but do I believe that it is enough for me?
I love that I get to choose to be a Christian.  I have chosen to believe that Christ is my savior.  I have chosen even though I hurt, am seemingly hurt by things that have happened in my life.  I know that God could provide a life for me that would be free from hurt, free from desperation, just free.  He does not bring these obstacles into my life to hurt me, I know, but it still hurts.  The thought, hope that I cling to is this...that some day I will be able to help someone else, be a blessing to someone else. 

Lord bless me, so that I can bless others.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

This Is How We Roll...

When I became pregnant with Alexander I pretty much freaked out.  Kind of thought that I would not be able to do anything, go anywhere.  So, I began the search for a new stroller.  I didn't want a double side by side because that was too bulky and would be a hassle.  So, eventually, I settled on a Phil and Teds and it was pretty nice.  Super heavy, but nice.

So, you can imagine how I reacted when I became pregnant with Eleanor, well maybe you can't, but I was pretty worried.  I love walking and seriously I think it is one of the only things that keeps me sane.  So, I began the stroller shopping again.  After about 6 months of shopping I finally found one and boy is it awesome.  So, I just thought I would share a few pictures with you.  I have a Mountain Buggy stroller and then attach a Buggy Board from Lascal onto it for Jacquelyn.  It totally rocks.

Alexander loves his does Eleanor, maybe a bit too much(:

A little prewalk photo op.  JQ insisted that I take the picture and then she looked away when I relented.

Lolly-pops at the local candy store.

For some reason I cannot add text under the below picture...
I love this picture because this is my reality.
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